Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hocking College Interview 1: Nathan

Name: Nathan Alexander Poare
Age: 19
Grew Up: Jackson, OH

            Since I’m attending college and have access to location diversity, the first series of blogs will consist of interviews from Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio. To kick things off, we have our first guest, Nathan.
What would you say your home life was like while growing up?
An average life, live in the country. My family was always a “family comes first.”
What is your home life like now?
About the same.
What do you do for a living?
Work at Burger King until I can graduate college and get a better career. Can’t wait until that day comes.
What kind of issues do you face in your life on a regular basis?
I would have to say the stress in having to deal with college, honestly. The assignments, worrying about getting them done on-time. Finances, too. If I have gas money to come up here or if I get enough hours at my work to come up here. You know, stuff like that.
How would you say that you adapt to and deal with these issues?
I take them on one by one, not take them on all at once and if something happens, then it happens for a reason. If I don’t have the gas one day to come up here, then I wasn’t meant to come up here.
Tell me a story.
My brother was shipped to the military. He was mean to me, like an average brother would be. He went off for basic training and when he came back he was a completely different person. He bought me a 32 inch flat screen tv and he kept doing that kind of stuff. It meant a lot to me because I knew, even though he wasn’t saying verbally, he was sorry. I think he was just showing it through the things he was giving me. That’s always just stuck with me in my mind.
Why would your brother give you a physical sorry, buying gifts, instead of just saying sorry?
In my family it’s kind of like that when it comes to guys. I mean I’m sure in my town quite all the families are like that. A guy is not known for expressing his feelings verbally, it’s mainly by giving a hug or a handshake or that kind of sort, at least in that young state of age. I mean, when you’re older it could be different.
Is there anything else you’d like to say about your average, day-to-day life?
Go home, go to work, come back and do what I can for the work that’s needed here (at the college), then go to sleep. It’s the same thing over and over again every day.

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